Our Company

Our Mission
To create social and economic change through software solutions.
What We Do?
We focus on local people and businesses. We create opportunity for local citizens to generate income through platforms that recognize and reward their contribution and efforts in their local area. We do this by providing customized solutions for invidiual citizens and businesses. Secondly, we build special projects which build local opportunity to under-serviced economic sectors and provide functions designed to deliver local success.
Our Company's Values
We feel that local businesses deserve the same quality of internet products and services as any large corporations. We feel that local community residents deserve the same opportunity for successs as those in urban areas. We strive to reverse the outflow of revenue from smaller and rural areas in order to keep more revenue in the hand of locals. We feel that the over-arching effect of big corporations draining local commmunities of their livelihood is not sustainable or fair. We want to be a catalyst for the increased desire for citizens to buy locally and to create multiple channels individuals to generate income in the area of their choice.
Who We Are
We are a group of dedicated professionals who are passionate about the opportunities presented in local communities. We are each blessed to possess a world-class skill set. We each strive to use this skill set for the betterment of our local communities. Further, we each hold a fair amount of disdain for the "way things are" and want to see improvement in our social and economic fabric. We hate to see the imbalance of economic and technological development skewed to urban areas and are committed to seeing the fabric of our local communities strengthened.
Our Pixel Perfect Policy
No matter the size or value of your project with us, we will never cease our efforts, ever. We guarantee perfection and offer 100% excellence from ourselves on your behalf. Once you are our client, we promise you a lifetime of revisions, satisfaction and responsiveness. We are sincere when we say that our local clients mean everything to us. No other company in the world will make this commitment to you or your business.